Bring music to life
At RISE, students with musical inclinations are given great opportunities to nurture their passions. Our music instructor imparts lasting lessons through an effective combination of theory and practice. Some of our students excel at the keyboard, creating extraordinary tunes with minimal direction. We see future maestros and composers in many of our current students.

Dance is music made visible.
Some kids like to sing, some like to play and some like to dance. As an activity, dancing offers many benefits. By dancing, not only do students develop their motor coordination skills, but they also get to make friends and have fun. In some American educational studies, it’s been shown that schools with dance programs also have students with higher grades. After all, the mind and body are interconnected; both need to be nurtured in an appropriate manner.

Visual Arts & Crafts
Art is not what you see, but what others see.
The world needs artists just as much as it needs engineers and doctors. A visual arts education equips students with the ability to communicate through powerful images. This activity contributes to the intellectual, aesthetic and emotional development of children. Our visual arts and crafts program is headed by a reputed instructor with many years of hands-on experience.

Scientific Experimentation
Imagine, Invent, Inspire.
In a world where science and technology have become household words, it’s crucial for students to understand the philosophy of science. Scientific thinking can be developed only by practical experimentation and not mere theoretical knowledge. That’s why we have a fully equipped science lab where students can design their own experiments under the guidance of experts